Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales Search in Middlesex County,Connecticut
Public Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales in Middlesex County,Connecticut.Property address, Property owner, Sale date, Sale price, Lien amount, Lien holder, Redemption period, and Foreclosure type can be accessed publicly.
Town of Cromwell Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Cromwell Town Clerk
41 West Street, Cromwell, CT 06416
41 West Street, Cromwell, CT 06416
Phone: (860)632-3440
Fax: (860)632-3425
Town of Durham Property Transfers
Land Records and Deeds
View the Town of Durham yearly property transfer records from 2006 to present.
Town of Durham Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Durham Town Clerk;30 Town House Road, Durham, CT 06422;Phone: (860) 349-3453 Fax: (860) 343-6733
Town of East Haddam Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records
Town of East Haddam Town Clerk;7 Main St., East Haddam, CT 06423;Phone: (860) 873-5027 Fax: (860) 873-5042
Town of Essex Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Essex Town Clerk;Essex Town Hall;29 West Avenue, Essex, CT 06426;Phone: (860) 767-4340, Ext. 129
Town of Haddam Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Haddam Town Clerk;30 Field Park Drive, Haddam, CT 06438;Phone: (860) 345-8531, Ext. 211 and 212
Town of Killingworth Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Killingworth Town Clerk
Killingworth Town Hall
323 Route 81, Killingworth, CT 06419, Ext. 502
Killingworth Town Hall
323 Route 81, Killingworth, CT 06419, Ext. 502
Phone: (860)663-1765
Fax: (860)663-4050
Town of Middlefield Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Middlefield Town Clerk ;393 Jackson Hill Road, Middlefield, CT 06455;Phone: (860) 349-7116
Town of Portland Town Clerk, Recorder, Elections, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records
Birth Records, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections Information
Town of Portland Town Clerk
Portland Town Hall
33 East Main Street, Portland, CT 06480
Portland Town Hall
33 East Main Street, Portland, CT 06480
Phone: (860)342-6743
Fax: (860)352-0001
City of Middletown Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
City of Middletown Tax Collector
245 deKoven Drive, Middletown, CT 06457
245 deKoven Drive, Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: (860)638-4900
Fax: (860)638-1900
Town of Chester Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Chester Tax Collector;Chester Town Hall;203 Middlesex Avenue, Chester, CT 06412;Phone: (860) 526-0013, Ext. 513
Town of Clinton Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Clinton Tax Collector;54 East Main Street, Clinton, CT 06413;Phone: (860) 669-9067
Town of Cromwell Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Cromwell Tax Collector;41 West Street, Cromwell, CT 06416;Phone: (860) 632-3445 Fax: (860) 632-3494
Town of Deep River Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Deep River Tax Collector;174 Main Street, Deep River, CT 06417 ;Phone: (860) 526-6028 Fax: (860) 526-6023
Town of Durham Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Durham Tax Collector;30 Town House Road, Durham, CT 06422;Phone: (860) 349-1165 Fax: (860) 343-6733
Town of East Haddam Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of East Haddam Tax Collector;7 Main Street, East Haddam, CT 06423;Phone: (860) 873-5033 Fax: (860) 873-5042
Town of East Hampton Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of East Hampton Collector of Revenue;20 East High Street, East Hampton, CT 06424;Phone: (860) 267-2300 Fax: (860) 267-1027
Town of Essex Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Essex Tax Collector;Essex Town Hall;29 West Avenue, Essex, CT 06426;Phone: (860) 767-4340, Ext. 120
Town of Haddam Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Haddam Tax Collector;30 Field Park Drive, Haddam, CT 06438;Phone: (860) 345-8531, Ext. 207
Town of Killingworth Delinquent Taxes and Tax Sales
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Town of Killingworth Tax Collector
Killingworth Town Hall
323 Route 81, Killingworth, CT 06419
Phone: (860) 663-1765, Ext. 508
Killingworth Town Hall
323 Route 81, Killingworth, CT 06419
Phone: (860) 663-1765, Ext. 508
Fax: (860)663-4050